Tuesday, April 15, 2008

44% of US taxpayers believe they pay too little or just the right amount of taxes

according to Gallup. Henke also notes:
Here's an interesting point though:
The public's attitudes about taxes have been fairly stable since at least 2003. Prior to that — particularly in the 1990s — Gallup found Americans holding much higher levels of dissatisfaction with federal taxes than are seen today.
Anyone - what happened in 2003? Yes, the supposedly hated "Bush tax cuts" were passed and went into effect. What was the dissatisfaction level (i.e. the percentage of taxpayers thinking they paid too much in Federal taxes) previous to that?

As high as 68% in 1999 (65% in 2001).
Mark Perry notes that 37% of tax filers pay an average tax rate of 0% or less (i.e. they receive negative taxes from the IRS).

Here is a breakdown of Federal expenditures.

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