Thursday, March 05, 2009

Quotes of the day

The road to economic hell is paved with good intentions and bad banks.--Simon Johnson

... the good news is the market can lose 5% per day and never hit zero!--Calculated Risk

While they are willing to accept drastic measures to reverse the recent slide, they are not likely to favor keeping them once the emergency has passed. We all hope to see firefighters in the house if the kitchen catches fire. Few of us would want them to move in after the flames are out.--Steve Chapman

Recyling old failed ideas after 66 years might be another small hint that UN accountability is a wee bit deficient.--William Easterly

One could argue that previous economic bubbles were driven by sex, directly or indirectly. Guys bought cars to attract girls. The VCR business thrived because of porn. So did the Internet. If you want to predict the next economic boom, figure out who is inventing technology that 19-year old boys will crave in order to increase their chances for sex.--Scott Adams

We have, it is clear, reached the lively dead end of a process that was initiated by a fretful Martin Scorsese and inflamed, with less embarrassed glee, by Tarantino: the process of knowing everything about violence and nothing about suffering.--Anthony Lane

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